"Percy, however, held out his hand solemnly as though he and Harry had never met and said, 'Harry. How nice to see you.'
'Hello, Percy,' said Harry, trying not to laugh.
'I hope you're well?' said Percy pompously, shaking hands. It was rather like being introduced to the mayor.
'Very well, thanks -'
'Harry!' said Fred, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply. 'Simply splendid to see you, old boy -'
'Marvelous,' said George, pushing Fred aside and seizing Harry's hand in turn. 'Absolutely spiffing.'
Percy scowled.
'That's enough, now,' said Mrs. Weasley.
'Mum!' said Fred as though he'd only just spotted her and seizing her hand too. 'How really corking to see you -'" p. 62
"'Show yourself!' Snape said, tapping the map sharply.
It stayed blank. Harry was taking deep, calming breaths.
'Professor Severus Snape, master of this school, commands you to yield the information you conceal!' Snape said, hitting the map with his wand.
As though an invisible hand were writing upon it, words appeared on the smooth surface of the map.
'Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business.'
Snape froze. Harry stared, dumbstruck, at the message. But the map didn't stop there. More writing was appearing beneath the first.
'Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.'
It would have been very funny if the situation hadn't been so serious. And there was more...
'Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.'
Harry closed his eyes in horror. When he'd opened them, the map had its last word.
'Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball.'
Harry waited for the blow to fall." p. 286-287
"'I got somethin' ter discuss with you two,' said Hagrid, sitting himself between them and looking uncharacteristically serious.
'What?' said Harry.
'Hermione,' said Hagrid.
'What about her?' said Ron.
'She's in a righ' state, that's what. She's bin comin' down ter visit me a lot since Chris'mas. Bin feelin' lonely. Firs' yeh weren' talking to her because o' the Firebolt, now yer not talkin' to her because her cat -'
'- ate Scabbers!' Ron interjected angrily.
'Because her cat acted like all cats do,' Hagrid continued doggedly. 'She's cried a fair few times, yeh know. Goin' through a rough time at the moment. Bitten off more'n she can chew, if yeh ask me, all the work she's tryin' ter do. Still found time ter help me with Buckbeak's case, mind... She's found some really good stuff fer me... reckon he'll stand a good chance now...'
'Hagrid, we should've helped as well - sorry -' Harry began awkwardly.
'I'm not blamin' yeh!' said Hagrid, waving Harry's apology aside. 'Gawd knows yeh've had enough ter be gettin' on with. I've seen yeh practicin' Quidditch ev'ry hour o' the day an' night - but I gotta tell yeh, I thought you two'd value yer friend more'n broomsticks ou rats. That's all.'" p. 273-274
"'He must have Disapparated, Severus. We should have left somebody in the room with him. When this gets out -'
'Severus - be reasonable - Harry has been locked up -'
The door of the hospital wing burst open.
Fudge, Snape, and Dumbledore came striding into the ward. Dumbledore alone looked calm. Indeed, he looked as though he was quite enjoying himself. Fudge appeared angry. But Snape was beside himself.
'OUT WITH IT, POTTER!' he bellowed. 'WHAT DID YOU DO?'
'Professor Snape!' shrieked Madam Pomfrey. 'Control yourself!'
'See here, Snape, be reasonable,' said Fudge. 'This door's been locked, we just saw -'
'THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!' Snape howled, pointing at Harry and Hermione. His face was twisted; spit was flying from his mouth.
'Calm down, man!' Fudge barked. 'You're talking nonsense!'
'That will do, Severus,' Said Dumbledore quietly. 'Think about what you are saying. This door has been locked since I left the ward ten minutes ago. Madam Pomfrey, have these students left their beds?'
'Of course not!' said Madam Pomfrey, bristling. 'I would have heard them!'
'Well, there you have it, Severus,' said Dumbledore calmly. 'Unless you are suggesting that Harry and Hermione are able to be in two places at once, I'm afraid I don't see any point in troubling them further.'
Snape stood there, seething, staring from Fudge, who looked thoroughly shocked at his behavior, to Dumbledore, whose eyes were twinkling behind his glasses. Snape whirled about, robes swishing behind him, and stormed out of the ward." p. 419-420
"'You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him. How else could you produce that particular Patronus? Prongs rode again last night.'" p. 427-428
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